You can submit a proposal by post or by email to The New Art Gallery Walsall.
What kind of information should I send?:
So that we can gain as much relevant information about you and your practice, please use the following headings as a guide.
- Name and contact details
- A brief written introduction to your practice
- Biography - including any of your recent exhibitions or publications
- A brief description of what you propose for The New Art Gallery Walsall (if relevant)
- A selection of images/ documentation of your work
- If applying for a residency – details of how the opportunity will benefit your practice and how gallery visitors can be engaged in the development of your work.
Please note: If you wish to send images by email, please ensure that the email (with images) is a maximum size of 5MB to ensure that we can receive it.
If you are sending your proposal by post, be advised not to send any original art works or images as The New Art Gallery Walsall can not be responsible for them.
Who should I send it to?
Please send your proposal to:
Programming Team
The New Art Gallery Walsall
Gallery Square
Walsall, WS2 8LG
Alternatively you could send your proposal by email to: [email protected]
Will I get my proposal and images be returned to me?
We are happy to post your proposal and images back to you when a decision has been made.
Please make sure that we have your contact details and include a clearly marked stamped addressed envelope.
Although we will make every effort to return everything to you, The New Art Gallery Walsall can not take any responsibility for any loss or damage caused to your application.
When will I know if I have been successful in my application?
The New Art Gallery Walsall receives many requests from artists to exhibit their work. To ensure your full consideration is given to your proposal it must be presented at the programming meeting. It may take some time to respond to you due to this process.
However, we endeavour to get back to you as soon as a decision is made.